Saturday, January 30, 2010

100 Years Old and Still Going Strong

This is my piano. It was given to us at no charge. I really like the sound of the older pianos, I always have. And now I have one of my very own. If I decide to get ambitious, one of these days I may take on the task of refinishing it....maybe.

One of my goals for this year is to practice the piano enough so that if need be, people might be able to sing along with me. Part of this practice includes Matt singing along while I play, when he is in town that is. So far... well, it's been interesing. I refuse to let the piano get the best of me. Off I go to practice.


C.J. said...

Sarah, that's a beautiful piano! I'm horrendously jealous. I want a piano in my house so bad!

Ali said...

So glad you found one! Yay!