So, in case you haven't heard, Isaac Matthew Printy was born on May 10, 2009 at 10:27 PM (only 23 1/2 hours of labor) weighing 7 lbs. 2 oz. I seriously cannot believe that I am a mom now. It is a little overwhelming, but I am so excited to have our little baby boy here. I will be even more excited when he learns to sleep through the night so I can get some sleep, but I'm not holding my breath that that will happen anytime soon. It is already getting easier to get up with him after a couple of weeks though, I guess it does get easier like people say it does.
Here is our new family just hours after the little guy showed up. I look totally gross and swollen, but it's history in the making, no time to spruce up.
Here he is looking cute with his binky at the hospital.
The newest family picture
And Isaac smiling, granted, it was probably gas, but I'll take it anyway.
All in all, I'd say that giving birth is one of the strangest experiences I've ever had, but totally amazing and worth it when you get to meet your child for the first time.